Welcome to the community construction updates website relating to the City of London Corporation's approved plans for additional homes and amenities at our York Way Estate.

Indicative image showing planned scheme

Latest News

July 2024 Newsletter Now Out!

We’re pleased to inform you that our July 2024 newsletter is now out! You can download it here today.



Work Experience Opportunities

Are you or anyone you know looking for a construction work experience placement at York Way Estate? Click here for information on how you can apply.



Community Sports Club Islington

Higgins Partnerships are in partnership with Pulse Social, which will be running a number of sports activities for children and young people from ages 10-17 who may be disabled or neurodivergent.


Activities will take place at Sobell Leisure Centre in Islington on the first Sunday of each month. For more information, please click here.



Building Naming Consultation – Results Are In

Thank you to those who participated in our building naming consultation, giving York Way residents the chance to select their preferred names for the new buildings.   Residents voted on the choice of 9 names that were drawn from breeds of sheep. The inspiration for the names references the historic use of the site as the sheep pens for the Metropolitan Cattle Market and the original name of the estate, ‘Sheep Lairs’.



The voting closed on 14 November 2023, and the four most popular names were:


Swaledale  House (Building A)

Herdwick  House (Building B)

Ryeland  House (Building C)

Aberdale  House (Building D)



We are thrilled to announce these distinctive names chosen by our community and we look forward to seeing these names become an integral part of the estate’s identity.

Construction Timeline

Note: Please see the latest newsletter for the most up to date construction milestones. Key dates for this month are provided below for your information:


You can find a site layout by clicking here, where new blocks have been labelled. The anticipated construction commencement and completion dates for each new building are as follows:


Site progress from June 2024 can be found below.

Block A – above

Block B – above

Block C – above

Block D – above

Block A
17 February 2023 – February 2025
Block B
3 February 2023 – November 2024
Block C
23 February 2023 – February 2025
Block D
3 March 2023 – September 2024

Useful Contacts

Comm Comm UK will continue to be the main contact for the Residents’ Steering Group. To join the Group, please contact Christopher Sharp, by emailing hello@yorkwayestate.com or call 0800 772 0475.


Should you have any queries or issues relating to the construction, please contact Higgins Plc – details are included below.



  • Tony Read, Site Manager – Email: yorkway@higginspartnerships.co.uk


If you see any suspicious activity or anyone on site after hours please contact Bridge Security Emergency out of hours on 0208 289 5858 or 0333 4001888 and state ‘York Way’.

Working Hours

0800 – 1800 Monday to Friday


0800 – 1300 on Saturdays (only under exceptional circumstances).


Note: We will not be working on Sundays or Bank Holidays.   We will be adhering to Islington Council’s Code of Construction Practice throughout the construction phase. Works outside agreed hours will not take place without prior consent from Islington Council. 


To download Islington Council’s Code of Construction Practice, please click here.

Our Commitment To Social Value

Higgins Plc and the City of London Corporation are committed to maximising social value opportunities as part of this project.   From art and cultural projects to new career opportunities, we are dedicated to giving back to you, the community.


Click here to see Higgins Plc’s presentation regarding their social value aims, in addition to how they handle day-to-day communications with residents.


Hoarding Artwork

Thank you to all the participants who joined us at our Rose Hill Artwork Mural Painting sessions on 13 and 14 September 2023 and again at the unveiling event on 3 October 2023.


It looks fantastic and really helps to brighten up the hoarding. We will be in touch in the new year regarding future plans to brighten up other areas of the hoarding across the site.

The Scheme

The City of London Corporation will be delivering a scheme which provides new homes for social rent and valuable amenities for existing and new residents alike.


  • 91 new homes all available for social rent
  • High-quality landscaping and greenery
  • Enhancement to public realm
  • New improved community centre
  • Improved entrances of Lambfold House, Penfields House and Shepherd House, and Kinefold House
  • Introduction of high-quality public art
  • New children’s play spaces*
  • A resident growing garden behind Shepherd House.


For further information, you can view planning details on Islington Council’s website, which you can find here.   *Note that details are subject to consultation and will be provided in the coming months.



Key Information

Please click on the links below to access all the consultation information.

Contact The Project Team:

Sign up to our mailing list to receive construction updates and stay informed about upcoming events by filling your details in the form below:


    Please let us know how you would like to be kept informed.

    By filling in this form you agree to your details being stored and used for the purposes of this project only. Your details will be held securely by Comm Comm UK and Higgins Plc on behalf of City of London Corporation and will not be shared outside of the project team.

    Please note that leaving your contact details is entirely optional and consent can be withdrawn at any time. For further details ask for our fair processing notice or contact christophers@commcommuk.com.